Valuing student voice in mathematics
Student voice in mathematics, and the teacher’s ability to create opportunities for mathematical discourse focused on students’ ways of thinking and working, is at the heart of quality teaching.
Student voice in mathematics, and the teacher’s ability to create opportunities for mathematical discourse focused on students’ ways of thinking and working, is at the heart of quality teaching.
The following resources will help students find, develop and use their voices in the learning process, and each will help us to demonstrate our commitment to – our investment in – our students.
It’s Education week for 2019! All NSW Public Schools are celebrating Education week this week (first week of August) with the theme of ‘Every student, every voice’.
Over the summer break there have been a number of teachers asking each other for advice regarding setting up rooms, what concepts or books to focus on, or discussing what themes might interest their new class of students. These questions are all valid and show that teachers are keen to hook students into learning from…
It seems ridiculous to have to state that one of the most important investments we can make as teachers is in our students. Stating the obvious, one would think. Maybe so …
And some of the 2023 resources available now. With ‘that’ test coming up for Years 3, 5, 7 & 9 in mid-March, there could be a bit of a panic about trying to get our students ‘test ready’. This is misguided and not helpful for student learning. I would like to refer you to Joanne…
This blog is the first of two reflections on the annual MANSW (Mathematical Association of NSW) conference. This year’s theme was “Mathematics: The Greatest Show” and it didn’t disappoint! What an amazing conference, ever year it gets bigger and better and the calibre of presentations and keynotes was out of this world! (I should save…
On Saturday 10 August I attended the Sydney University STEM Teacher Enrichment Academy’s inaugural alumni conference, STEMMING the tide: Promoting STEM through Innovative Programs in Schools. What an amazing day of past and present academy schools presenting their STEM programs, pedagogical practices and student successes. With a mixture of keynotes, workshops and panel presentations there…
This blog is a snapshot of some of the paper presentations and key notes I attended during the MERGA42 conference in Perth.
Talking and listening in the classroom is really the bread and butter of what we do as teachers and learners. While we, the formal assessors, together with the world at large (including parents), might value the written word over talk, and certainly accept the written word for evidence of learning (appropriately constructed, of course), it…