This webinar is designed for primary school whole staff or year/grade teams to undertake together as part of ongoing mathematics planning and programming PD.
The focus will be on exploring the connections that can be made between mathematical concepts for students.
This webinar will be helpful as you plan for next year and also as you revise and evaluate your current mathematics scope and sequence.
Each webinar will be one hour in length and could be used as Teacher-Identified Professional Development (TIPD) for accreditation at Proficient Teacher level.
Australian Professional Standards for Teachers addressed
1.2.2 Structure teaching programs using research and collegial advice about how students learn
2.2.2 Organise content into coherent, well-sequenced learning and teaching programs
6.2.2 Participate in learning to update knowledge and practice targeted to professional needs and school and/or system priorities
7.4.2 Participate in professional and community networks and forums to broaden knowledge and improve practice
The objectives for the courses are that teachers will
- Gain knowledge of what sub strands have strong connections and should be taught together or sequentially as they build on previously learned content
- Build on teachers’ current knowledge of mathematical concepts and big ideas to see how each concept fits within the interrelated web of mathematics
- Share and participate in collegial discussions around mathematics concepts and curriculum with other members of the teaching community (as part of the webinar)
Date of webinar
Wednesday 19 February 2020 @ 3:30 - 4:30 pm
This webinar will run as an interactive workshop via Zoom that groups of teachers can participate in together.
A Zoom access link to the webinar will be sent to the teacher or staff member who registers on behalf of the school. On the day, schools log in via the link and teachers will be asked to contribute to discussions via the Chat feature in Zoom.
A link to a SeeSaw class will also be sent to participating schools so you can upload photos during the webinars (at least one teacher will need to download the SeeSaw app to a mobile device).
On the webinar day, school groups will need access to
- Post it notes
- Butcher’s paper
- Pens
NSW Mathematics syllabus (Please note for those outside of NSW, these webinars will still be suitable, Katherin will incorporate both the NSW syllabus and Australian Curriculum: Mathematics. Her teaching background is in NSW therefore she will mainly reference the NSW substrands – these are very similar to the structure of the AC descriptors and schools can tailor school conversations to the AC during discussion tasks).
Further information regarding the webinar will be emailed to the school once they have registered.

Katherin Cartwright, who will be leading the webinars, has over 20 years’ experience teaching primary students and supporting teachers specifically in mathematics in her previous role as State Mathematics Advisor for the NSW Department of Education. Katherin was on the writing team that developed the NSW mathematics syllabus and is currently a PhD student and sessional lecturer/tutor at the University of Sydney.