Katherin Cartwright is a passionate mathematics educator and is currently a sessional lecturer and tutor at The University of Sydney teaching mathematics to pre-service teachers in primary education. She has just completed her PhD researching teacher noticing of mathematical fluency in primary students.

two turtles sitting on a log

The turtle tweet: Teacher collaboration at its best!

I love checking Twitter daily to read about what’s happening in classrooms both locally and internationally regarding mathematics education. I find great new articles about mathematics research, see amazing tasks and engaged students, observe innovation in action, and collect ideas that I can use with young students as well as with in-service teachers and pre-service…

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Online games for learning: Hit or miss

In these current changing times, learning online has rapidly become part of our students’ lives. One element of using technology is accessing games. In the physical classroom we utilise mathematical hands-on games to engage students, practice important number sense skills, and to provide opportunities to develop critical thinking skills that many games (within their strategic…