Noticing and wondering images
A collection of images to use to start classroom mathematics conversations with students based around the questions: What do you notice? What do you wonder?
A collection of images to use to start classroom mathematics conversations with students based around the questions: What do you notice? What do you wonder?
A fun game to develop and play with students that focuses on mathematical language and communication skills.
Investigating family history and developing a time line for the family gives students the opportunity to build an understanding of the passage of time, and the significance of their role and position and in the family.
Practical advice for teachers on how to develop students’ use of written and oral language associated with the passage of time.
An activity to play during mathematics that focuses on the language of time. Use it at the beginning of a sequence of learning as a pre-assessment to gauge what students already know about the language of time.
Explore shapes and their features using string – students investigate side and angle properties of a variety of shapes. The activity includes enabling and extending prompts for teachers to utilise during the activity.