Primary Learning is a company made up of educators and IT professionals who want to provide quality advice, support and professional learning for teachers, parents and those interested in education in Australia
We recognise that teachers do not always have the time to commit to face to face professional learning. In response to this we aim to provide quality advice, ideas, resources and learning opportunities that can be accessed anywhere, anytime.
The Primary Learning team brings a range of skills to teacher professional learning, including:
- experience leading professional learning for teachers K-6 in English and mathematics
- knowledge of and experience in curriculum development, planning & implementation
- deep understanding of strategies for applying literacy & numeracy skills in other learning areas
- extensive involvement in higher teacher education and scientific research
- strong ICT background in research, university and commercial settings
Annette Gray
Annette Gray is a literacy consultant and adviser. She has many years’ successful teaching experience in classrooms K-10 across Australia and in international settings.

Annette Gray
Annette Gray is a literacy consultant and adviser. She has many years’ successful teaching experience in classrooms K-10 across Australia and in international settings.
Katherin Cartwright
Katherin Cartwright is a passionate mathematics educator and is currently a sessional tutor at The University of Sydney teaching mathematics to pre-service primary education teachers.

Katherin Cartwright
Katherin Cartwright is a passionate mathematics educator and is currently a sessional tutor at The University of Sydney teaching mathematics to pre-service primary education teachers.
Andrew Cartwright
Andrew is an IT specialist and has a background in the field of medical research, assisting in uncovering treatments and cures for diseases of the brain and central nervous system that afflict us all, particularly as we age.

Andrew Cartwright
Andrew is an IT specialist and has a background in the field of medical research, assisting in uncovering treatments and cures for diseases of the brain and central nervous system that afflict us all, particularly as we age.
Michael Cartwright
Michael is an app developer and a part time jedi master. One of those is true, you decide and may the force be with you. His programming experience ranges from medical research applications through to commercial products.

Michael Cartwright
Michael is an app developer and a part time jedi master. One of those is true, you decide and may the force be with you. His programming experience ranges from medical research applications through to commercial products.