Teaching and learning: from the script to pedagogy
Our work in literacy does not have to have our students tied to a desk, involved in tedious or mind-numbingly repetition and practice.
Our work in literacy does not have to have our students tied to a desk, involved in tedious or mind-numbingly repetition and practice.
How can we utilise mathematics teaching strategies in English? This blog explores flipping Number Talks to Letter Talks and other strategy sharing ideas.
Over the summer break there have been a number of teachers asking each other for advice regarding setting up rooms, what concepts or books to focus on, or discussing what themes might interest their new class of students. These questions are all valid and show that teachers are keen to hook students into learning from…
Talking and listening in the classroom is really the bread and butter of what we do as teachers and learners. While we, the formal assessors, together with the world at large (including parents), might value the written word over talk, and certainly accept the written word for evidence of learning (appropriately constructed, of course), it…
Dialogic teaching, a term created by Dr Robin Alexander in the early 2000s, harnesses the power of talk to stimulate and extend students’ thinking and advance their learning and understanding.
It seems ridiculous to have to state that one of the most important investments we can make as teachers is in our students. Stating the obvious, one would think. Maybe so …
A reflection on NESA’s My Teaching Impact PL that was broadcast as a live webinar panel discussing current issues in teaching.
As teachers, we enjoy the privilege and responsibility of the having what I have always referred to as the second-most important job in the world. We are educator, mentor, guide…