Under the ‘umbrella’ of us all liking a good story, experts from a variety of organisations have come together to share their knowledge to affirm ‘the value of quality literature in classrooms’.
This is a great resource to explore for our own learning, and to share with colleagues. The benefits will flow directly to our students.
Foundation for Literacy and Learning
Full details are at the Foundation’s home page – https://foundationforlearningandliteracy.info/symp-home/
Event description
In 2022, The Foundation for Learning and Literacy will convene a symposium featuring organisations whose primary work is with children and young people, literacy and drama. The 2022 Literature Symposium will involve a series of free online presentations from a range of organisations, the details of which can be found below.
Once a month, the presentations will be released on our YouTube Channel. By registering, you’ll be informed of the presentations as they go live, and able to view them immediately.
Topics – here’s a sample.
June 9 – Why is literature so important in our lives and our literacy learning? (includes Professor emerita Robyn Ewing and illustrator Dr Bronwyn Bancroft), hosted by The Foundation for Literacy and Learning
NOTE: you can access this recording once you have registered – then you can view each as frequently as you like!
June 22 – Writers in Residence (author and educator Libby Gleeson will be part of this session) hosted by West Words
July 22 – Drama, Literature and Literacy (with actor Tara Morice and director Kate Worsley) hosted by Sydney Theatre Company
and each month till 16 November 2022. Full details and the rest of the program are here
Literature in the NESA English K-2 syllabus
There are 31 references to ‘literature’ in the new syllabus for K-2, including:
The organisation of outcomes and content reflects the importance of developing early literacy knowledge and skills, while continuing to acknowledge the importance of learning about and enjoying literature. (p.9)

CBCA (Children’s Book Council Australia)
The shortlisted titles for 2022 Book Week (August 20 – 26) are available here.
CBCA are hosting the symposium session on 29 October.